How To Create Email - Gmail From Google

In the internet, we will find much providers who provide free email. Ranging from yahoo!, MSN, mail, zoho mail, fastmail, icloud and others. But can not deny that Gmail, email service from google has the best quality.

With having and using an email from google, automatically, we will given free access to all google services and features such us google talk, youtube, blogger and google plus, the social networking site from google and more.

Moreover, the security email system from google has been proven very strong. So I think with their security system almost certainly everybody who want steal information from gmail will find difficulty, except if we make a negligence when other people is knowing our password. The rest, is very difficult to break account security system.

Beside security system, this email service has given very large space storage, that is more than 7 GB space storage. And the most important of all are facility. We can use email service with free.

For you who want know how to create email from google service mail. Let is following ways and my steps to make it.

Step 1
Entry into or at your browser address. Then you will be taken to the Gmail interface. Click on the upper right corner that states Create an Account.

Step 1 to create gmail

Step 2
After you finished step 1, you will find this step. There are some space coloum where you must fill it. They coloum such us name, name for your account email, password, and others. The note, you must fill in correctly. 

step 2 to make email from google

I think the next steps is easy to do, so good luck to create email. Hopefully, this information about How To Create Email in Gmail is helpful for you.


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